About me and my family

My name is Theertha and I am 8 years old. My little brother’s name is Chris and he is 3 months old. My favourite board games are scrabble (original) monopoly and snakes and ladders. I live in Craigieburn Australia and I live with my aunty, my dad, my mum, my little brother, (as previously mentioned) and my grandma. Sometimes my aunty comes to our house. I was born in Sri Lanka. It is a tiny island near India which had the same population as Australia. It is one of the smallest countries in the world. It was quite crowded in the tiny little country. My favourite foods are Domino’s oven baked chips and my mum’s cooking. When I grow up I want to have a part time job of being a blogger and I will have a trillion degrees. I also want to be the world’s richest person. I love to play with my little brother a lot. I like school I am in grade 3 & my favourite colour is golden. If you want to read about my trip to Great ocean a road then tap this link.