
On my last article I was explaining the history of phones and cameras. Also if you’ve read it at the end of the post it said that I was making a new article, so here it is. As you know lots of robots are being made and now lots of peoples jobs are getting replaced. Soon they’ll be robots for mailers and tailors and other thing too! Self driving care and real robots that are like humans have came out. Some people are even marrying holograms! First let me explain how self driving cars work. Lots of businesses like Uber are making self driving taxi’s. Self driving cars work like this. There is a camera that looks for surrounding objects and theirs another one that looks out for signs. Also their is an another one that looks out for people. Some people consider it an amazing moment when we trust robots with our lives on the road. Ok now we’re done with self driving cars and taxi’s but next I’ve gotta explain how some more machines work. How about robot attendants. Robot attendants wo...