Plastic pollution

Plastic pollution has been a topic that many of us have heard before. You might have seen it on the news in a headline or you might have heard about it from a friend but have you ever really thought about it hard because this is a major problem that was created because of our relentless ambition for new things and our decisions. So if you want to know what it is, how to fix it and much more then you’ve come to the right place. What is plastic pollution and what causes it? Plastic pollution is when plastic has collected up in an area and has started to negatively impact the environment and create problems for plants, wildlife, and even the human population . The plastics causing the pollution vary greatly in sizes from big to microscopic. There are many kinds of plastics. The main factors to the problem of plastic pollution are fishing nets, plain old trash, disposing of plastic and garbage, and over-using of plastics. Who invented plastic and when did they? The man who inve...