Plastic pollution
Plastic pollution has been a topic that many of us have heard before. You might have seen it on the news in a headline or you might have heard about it from a friend but have you ever really thought about it hard because this is a major problem that was created because of our relentless ambition for new things and our decisions. So if you want to know
what it is, how to fix it and much more then you’ve come to the right place.
What is plastic pollution and what causes it?
Plastic pollution is when plastic has collected up in an area and has started to negatively impact the environment and create problems for plants, wildlife, and even the human population. The plastics causing the pollution vary greatly in sizes from big to microscopic. There are many kinds of plastics. The main factors to the problem of plastic pollution are fishing nets, plain old trash, disposing of plastic and garbage, and over-using of plastics.
Who invented plastic and when did they?
The man who invented plastic was named Alexander Parkes who patented this new material in 1862. Considered the first manufactured plastic, it was a cheap and colourful replacement for ivory or tortoiseshell. Originally this material was named Bakelite. It was advertised as safe and cheap at the time but as the years went on it became much more apparent what the problem with it was.
What are the effects of plastic pollution?
There are a lot of effects of plastic pollution. Here are a few of them.
Groundwater pollution-
Groundwater pollution is a major problem because it’s widely considered as a safe form of water to drink and it would be if plastic pollution hadn’t affected it first. Groundwater is water stored in rocks or natural places. Our drinking water in bottles originally came from streams and lakes or it’s groundwater. When rain falls all the waste in dumps landfill as did more get soaked into the groundwater supplies that we drink from. Drinking this contaminated water can lead to serious illness.
It upsets the food chain-
The ecosystem is a thing that’s been around for a long time. Different places have different ecosystems. In the Yellowstone national park in the USA there is a gentle ecosystem held together by trees and wolves. One time humans just slightly changed it and the whole park had to get changed. It’s the same situation everywhere in the world. A tiny change can mean everything. In the ocean things are already getting bad. Small fish eat the plastics that we got in there and die. The fish that eat those smaller fish die because of the plastic in them and the cycle goes on.
Air pollution-
When plastics are burnt in the open air the chemicals used to make the bottles are released and can spread around. If animals or humans inhale some of these gases it can result in death. If the animals die then it further damages the ecosystem as we’ve stated before.
How can YOU help?
Some ways for you to help stop this from getting worse are…
-Try not to get disposable plastics
-Refrain from buying bottled water
-Buy in bulk
-Get items secondhand
So now you know all you need to know about plastic pollution. Now all you need to do is get out there and help save the planet!
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