Black holes | Why are they so important? |

 Black holes are one of the marvels in the universe. There are so many of them and we barely know anything about them. In this article I’ll tell you about them. 

If you don’t know what a black hole is black holes are things that can suck up planets or even stars! There are different types. Supermassive, spinning or maybe just a normal one.


A black holes structure is quite unique. There are spinning black holes and non spinning black holes. There are also supermassive black holes. In normal black holes there is a disc around it called an accretion disc. Near that we have the event horizon. In the middle there is a single point with an infinitely small length but contains the entire mass of the black hole. For spinning black holes there’s a accretion disc and also an ergo sphere. An ergo sphere is the place where time is half broken but in the event horizon time is completely broken. For spinning black holes you can create a black hole bomb. But I’ll tell you about that another day. But for a spinning black hole there isn’t a singularity, there is a ring singularity. It’s like a singularity but it’s a ring with a thickness of zero. For supermassive black holes it’s the same thing as normal black holes.

Length and weight

The largest black hole is called TON 618 and it’s length is 400 billion kilometres. Some black holes might even be bigger than the biggest star (UY Scuti). The average weight of a black hole is 10 to 100 solar masses. 1 solar mass is around 333,000 times heavier than earth! So black holes are VERY heavy and VERY big. 


Black holes slowly lose some of their energy. This is called Hawking radiation. The thing is it is extremely slow. It would take a black hole with the mass of our sun 10 thousand billion billion billion billion billion billion years to lose 0.0000001% of its mass.

Thanks for reading! I hope you like it!


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