Roman numerals quiz

Today we’re going to do a Roman numerals quiz. The answers will be at the end of blog. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and share some of my videos. Click here to go to my YouTube channel. Remember to get a pen and paper to track your answers. Now let’s start. 

How do you make Roman numerals?

Tip 1.
  Most people get confused on IV (4). It’s not that hard to understand it. Let me explain. Since V is 5 and I is 1 it’s just like 1-5 but with with no takeaway symbol. And 1-5=4 and that’s how you get your answer.

Tip 2.
We can do the same things with other Roman numerals like... 
IX 10-1=9 
XL 50-10=40 
XLIX 50-10+9=49
XCIX 100-10+9=99
XD 500-10=490
CDXCIX 500-10+9=499
CMXC 10-1000=990
CMXCIX 10-1000+9=999
And those are the tricky ones.

Now let’s start this quiz!

1. Which of the following is 742 in Roman numerals?


2. What is 83 in Roman numerals?


3. What is the sum of M+D+CC+L+XL+V+III?

a 1236 
b 3281
c 652
d 1798

4. When was Roman numerals founded?

a between 800 and 900 bc 
b after 900 bc
c before 800 bc
d between 700 and 600 bc

5. What does V bar stand for?

a 10000
b 50000
c 2500
d 5000

6. What does X bar stand for?

a 1000
b 10000
c 2500
d 5000

7. What does L bar stand for?

a 50000
b 25000
c 75000
d 100000

8. What does C bar stand for?

a 1000
b 2500
c 100000
d 50000

9. How many bars are there in a trillion?

a 1
b 3
c 2
d 4

10. How many bars are there in a quintillion?

a 1
b 2
c 4
d 3

Congrats! You finished. Here are the answers. 

Question 1 c
Question 2 b
Question 3 d
Question 4 a
Question 5 d
Question 6 b
Question 7 a
Question 8 c
Question 9 b
Question 10 c


  1. What a brilliant questionnaire

    It’s full of everything


  2. Well done Thee.
    Everybody can get much knowledge about numerals. Me too......πŸ‘


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