How to make a Dyson sphere SIMPLIFIED

Building a Dyson sphere is something that any planet will need to start interstellar travel. For now we’re apparently the only life in the universe and if we want to grow this is a must.

Now let’s talk about Dyson spheres. A Dyson sphere is meant to take all the energy from the sun and then shoot jets of it to other planets. 

I’m going to sort this into 3 categories. Materials, design and energy.


A rigid body covering the sun wouldn’t be the best idea. Then if a small asteroid crashes the entire thing comes down. A better idea could be a Dyson swarm. A Dyson swarm is a just a ton of satellites orbiting the sun. We will just have to start with 1 satellite and then double that around 60 times. I doubled all the way up to a billion and that was only around doubling 1, 20 times.


Our construction has to be on a nearby planet. Mercury should be the best option. We’ll need lots of metal so you can guess why I’m choosing this place. We will need an extreme amount of energy to get the to mercury and even more to launch this swarm into place. Let’s just that our kind already fixed this. To launch the swarm of satellites we can make a kind of tube that uses electromagnetic materials to power it. The structure will shoot satellites into orbit which will surround the sun. This is where the planet that we chose comes in handy. Mercury has little gravity and is the closest to the sun so it’s the best place to launch our satellites.


One  satellite gives the power to launch another and this process keeps on going on and on until… we have finished the Dyson swarm. This will basically give us infinite amounts of energy. It could even be the start of a interstellar civilisation.

Thanks for reading this article. Part two will be coming soon and as soon as it’s ready I’ll post it.


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