Nuclear energy

                            Nuclear energy 

What do you think of when you hear nuclear energy. Weapons? Explosions? I’ll show you how the reality actually is in this post. 

The idea of nuclear sparked interest among scientists all over the world but it only made the public more feared about what’s going to happen in their country. Some people thought that it would destroy everything while some thought that it would start a new war. But the answer was nothing like that...

Nuclear energy begun in 1951. That’s a long time ago. Since then about 30 accidents were reported but only 2 were serious. Most people already heard the 2, Fukushima and Chernobyl. These two were only more serious because their plants had old technology and the government was too slow, Most people are scared because of nuclear explosions but the most dangerous thing is radiation.
But this is only Chernobyl. Fukushima had a quick strategy and it’s nuclear reactors had good protection and were up to date. Practically all of the deaths were from the stress of such a big evacuation.

The real killer is fossil fuels. When we use fossil fuels it releases lots of greenhouse gases. These then make tiny droplets of liquid or gas. Some are really small. These tiny bits get into your lungs and can cause lethal diseases like stroke or lung cancer. In total this adds up to 4 MILLION deaths. Though  nuclear energy only accounts for 10% of the worlds energy production it has an astoundingly low death rate compared to other types.
There are many types but none are too dangerous.

In conclusion nuclear energy is a bit dangerous buts its risk is insanely low compared to fossil fuels. There have  been many accidents but only 2 were serious. Even with all that the numbers of nuclear deaths are low. What we should do is lower fossil fuel emissions in any way. I’m not saying that nuclear energy is our only hope but it’s the least riskiest. But how would you feel if in the future we cause our own extinction because of fossil fuels?


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