A beautiful world - a story

It was a beautiful day. The birds were twittering as I woke up. The trees were swaying and hitting each other. Their leaves subtly crashed into each other and made a light rustling sound. The wind threw a cold breeze through the air. I looked down through the window  and saw lush, green bushes and shrubs swaying in synchrony with the trees. It was a perfect day to go for a walk.

The first thing I saw when I got to the park was life. In fact the park was teeming with life! I saw bees on deep red roses or on blue violets. The smell of fresh air felt natural. As I walked deeper I started to see bee hives and butterflies beautifully flapping across the sky. I layer down on the grass and looked up into the sky. The ginormous, white, fluffy cotton candy in the bright shade of blue made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Sometimes the clouds would turn into a recognisable shape.  I gazed at the sky indefinitely until it was night. The stars appeared as tiny dots in a dark background. Some glowed brightly whereas some dimly. As I stared at the night sky I thought to myself  “what a wonderful world.”



  1. oo nice story

    and based it on a song even better

  2. N0ice you are rlly good at writing maybe enter a competition
    from Thimath ;)
    aki gave link


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